Maintenance of your eSign Certificate for QES includes activities for updating and providing information on the validity of banks, regulatory bodies and other relying parties, authentication services on time and provides the ability for its management.

Management services for your eSign certificate for QES include suspension, reactivation and revocation.

Suspending the eSign

If you are the author or holder of eSign certificate for QES and:

  • You are not in possession of, or do not know the location of your eSign Token device for the storage of electronic signatures, or
  • are concerned about unauthorized usage of your eSign Certificate for QES,

It is necessary to complete the Request for management. Enter the data of the eSign certificate for QES carefully and specify the reason for its withdrawal.

Send completed Request to email or submit it to the object of our Registration Authority.

Upon receipt of a properly completed Application for suspension:

  • eSign certificate for QES referred to therein shall be included in the CRL list of canceled certificates published in the Public Register of SEP Bulgaria
  • Notification of the date and time, as well the reason for its withdrawal will be sent to the email entered in the suspended certificate.

During 48 hours of suspension, your eSign certificate for QES will be invalid and it can not be used to prove your identity.


In case you do not take further action to terminate your eSign certificate for QES after expiry of 48 hours from the time of its suspension, the certificate will be valid again and can be used with all his applications.

Reactivation of eSign

If during the 48 hours suspension of your eSign certificate for QES reason to stop it has ceased, you can take advantage of the service Reactivation. It is included in maintenance activities of eSign and represents a renewal of your eSign certificate.

For this purpose it is necessary to fill in an Application for management and present it along with documents proving your identity and representation, the object of the Registration Authority.


Even without submiting a request to renew your eSign certificate for QES, on the expiry of 48 hours from the time of its withdrawal, it will automatically become valid again, except when that certificate was discontinued during that period.

Termination of the eSign

In case the data entered in your eSign Certificate for QES is changed, your eSign Token device is lost, or when other material reason occurred, based on which eSign certificate for QES cannot be used, it needs to be terminated.

Upon termination, the eSign certificate for QES is entered in the CRL list of canceled certificates for QES published in the Public Register of SEP Bulgaria and can not be used anymore.

To revocate eSign Certificate for QES, you must complete an Application for management stating the specific reason for the revocation and submit it along with documents proving your identity and representation in the subject of Registration Authority.

At the time of revocation, notification will be sent to the email entered in eSign certificate for QES about termination of its validity.


After expiration of the 3-year period of validity of your eSign certificate for QES, it will be invalid and you do not need to take action on its termination.

If you wish to continue using eSign applications at most attractive prices, claim it renewal!

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