електронен подпис eSign

Server certificate

eSign Server certificate is a digital signature, which serves to identify a publicly accessible server or Web site on the Internet and ensures secure communication with it. The certificate shall be issued to the owner of the server after identification and shall indicate the person who administers it. With eSign Server certificate you provide consumer confidence in your server or Web site and guarantee the security of information exchange with it.

електронен подпис eSign

Information object

eSign certificate for an information object is electronic signature certificate, which is issued to a natural person or legal entity to identify its information copyright and software objects — files with the executable or program code, music, graphics, video and other files. With eSign certificate for subject information you provide consumer confidence in the Web application you created, programs or other information objects.

Electronic signature  for freelancers

eSign for freelancers is a qualified electronic signature certificate (QES), which is issued to an individual and verifies their membership in a particular industry or professional organization.
eSign for freelancers ensures your usage of electronic public administration services, Internet banking, encryption and signing of electronic documents.
eSign for freelancers is a safe and reliable means to verify your identity and e-membership in a professional or trade association.

Documents required for issuing eSign for freelancers

For issuing of eSign for freelancers it is nessesary to visit an Office of Registration Authority and present the following documents:

  • ID of the person (original and certified copies thereof) that will be entered in the certificate
  • Document for branch affiliation (original and copy)
  • Document for branch affiliation accompanied by an identification number (VAT number) (original and copy)


eSign for freelancers

1 year3 year
Smart card reader, Smart card and Issuance of eSign QES

Issuance and maintenance of eSign QES
Smart card reader - 15 lv.
The prices are in BGN. VAT included


With eSign certification services you get:
Access to electronic-administrative services of agencies of State and local government
Access to online banking, no additional fees and certificates
The ability to demonstrate conclusively the creation and sending of documents
The ability to encrypt the created paperwork so that counterfeiting is prevented.

Questions and answers

Is it possible to use Electronic Signatures issued abroad in Bulgaria?

The only qualified electronic signatures on the territory of Bulgaria are those issued by service providers accredited by CRC, according to the Law on Electronic Document and Electronic Signature Act.

What documents do I need to get eSign for freelance professions?

It is necessary to submit the completed Application for Issuance of eSign Certificate for QES for freelancers and documents to verify data entry in the certificate, subject to the Registration Authority.

Is it possible QES to be used to detect changes and errors in the transmission of the document?

eSign Certificate for QES ensures the integrity of the document after being signed and can serve as a tool to check for modification.
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